Hail Damage Repair Course - Advanced PDR Training Australia
PDR Training Australia has progressed over the years to be the first to introduce advanced paintless dent removal training. The 12 Day One-on-One PDR Course and the 28 Day One-on-One Course are all aimed at trying to introduce PDR trainees to the hail industry. Many who offer PDR Training at present and in the past use it as a method to build their cheap labour market.
Advanced PDR Training Training
Some of the recent observation DOs and DON'Ts in advanced PDR Training.
Training in Hailstorms That's a no-no! I was astonished to see PDR Technician trainees thrown into the deep end of the hail in Adelaide, arguably one of the most intensely damaging storms in many years based on the copious amounts of dents on the panels! The fact that this doesn't work was not only proven - it was confirmed by one of the competitor employees - because it happened to him as well!
Correct Learning Platform and Environment Our experience is to provide the correct leaning profile to introduce advanced PDR training at the correct level and in the right time frame. Support is provided and our well-guarded secret curriculum designed to use an over-lap approach of advanced PDR training. This provides a platform to cross-over revise and learn and revise at the correct pace lead by the trainer!
Group Training. Another wrong, and I mean very wrong concept is to use group training in a hailstorm and trying to sell such (obviously for the whole concept of gaining more profit with reduced pricing). When you share one trainer with many, effectively time-wise you aren't better off - our move many years ago to One-on-One PDR training has proven just that - it is the most preferred and the most effective method of training.
Extraordinary Deposits and Lock in Contracts - by extraordinary - one of my clients suggest he was locked in a contract and paid $12000 deposit - $12000! We have a flat rate across all our PDR Courses as well as an opt out policy. We have always showed fairness and ethics behind the financial burdens and struggles that people go through and taking this step.
Ethics - The money spent by prospective PDR Trainees can be substantial. Show compassion and respect in allowing decisions to be made without pressure.
PDR Quote Sheet from the past
When I receive the first call from my prospective PDR trainee clients, I carefully analyse their approach, their goals, their background, previous experience, their research and business ethics before even suggesting advanced PDR Training apart from the requirement of prefect eye-sight!
Final Points about Ethics
When considering advanced PDR training, it is a huge financial commitment and you can say gamble on the individual and their family. The rewards may be excellent in years to come but there needs to be a clear understanding of the risk versus rewards and how to ensure success along that journey.