138 Hanckel Road Oakville,
NSW, 2765, Australia
24/7 Customer Support
138 Hanckel Road Oakville,
NSW, 2765, Australia
24/7 Customer Support
By Day 2 and Day 3, everyone is appreciating the paintless dent repair course! Nine grueling hours on Day 1 introduced the new technicians into the reality of the paintless dent repair world. And aren't they loving it!
On Day 2, the techs were introduced to quoting techniques and pushing dents as well as tap downs. This of course included the importance of R & R (Remove and Replace). Day 3, and Phill Coutts joins in and offers his expertise on paint technologies, quoting for insurance companies, cutting and buffing and systematically providing some insight into knowing how to approach each job that comes along in the industry. The images below illustrates the various stages of both days as the techs enthusiastically looked on or worked on the dents. They are proceeding with excellence!
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We welcome any applicant to simply try our certificate PDR courses – we can train anyone from bankers to mechanics, car detailers, spray painters and of course panel beaters!
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