138 Hanckel Road Oakville,
NSW, 2765, Australia
24/7 Customer Support
138 Hanckel Road Oakville,
NSW, 2765, Australia
24/7 Customer Support
Learning PDR is not as simple as it seems. Whether you are a panel beater or have never pulled apart a car in your life, those that are most successful in our courses are those that are:
- have good hand-eye co-ordination skills as well as patience and perseverence.
- committed and determined.
- have a plan of where they wish to be in the future such as a business plan.
- have carried out research prior to entering our courses.
- have allocated realistic time frames within their plan of how they will be able to continue a program of practice.
- realise that paintless dent repair is not really an add-on to other businesses but potentially a profitable business on its own.
At PDR Training Australia, from the initial phone call or contact, we will look for the features listed above before taking any payments.
The number one question tha pops up - why are other training programs more expensive than ours at $3600 for a 5 Day Training Course? Our answer, we don't know and focus on our own course strategies - pehaps some courses provide tools as part of the package. Generally though, the type of training is similar:
- we offer one on one training or at most one on two training
- we have experienced trainees working directly in the PDR, paint and pane beating industry with overall experience of more than 25 years.
- we offer tools for those unable to get their own so they do not feel stranded
- we have proven results that trainees have already progressed into the industry
- our training courses are assessed on a one on one basis by more than one trainer to give feedback on what strategies are required to progress during the 6 to 12 month practical phase.
- we provide certification for our courses
- we provide a portfolio to assist in the initial parts of building the business.
- we provide important do's and dont's in setting up PDR and how to capture clients whilst setting up the business on an one on one basis.
The advice we provide certainly provides incentives for people to go on in the PDR Industry.
Please don't hesitate to contact Jimmy Deguara the principal of PDR Training for further advice by completing the form on the right hand side or call 0408020468.
We Provide 365 Day Support with all our PDR courses!
We welcome any applicant to simply try our certificate PDR courses – we can train anyone from bankers to mechanics, car detailers, spray painters and of course panel beaters!
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