14 Jan

Beware of PDR Training Claims 2022

Unfortunately, when you are the leader in the industry, there are attempts for others to copy your concepts or undercut. And please note we like to keep our training courses and claims true and honest to all our clients.

One of the latest claims is to provide training for a ridiculously low price. Who knows perhaps they are genuine. Coincidently, this is being done during a major hailstorm - so get those extra bucks on the side whilst they knock over hail cars. Please make sure:

  • their focus on you the trainee for the whole period of the day as this is what we do at PDR Training - this is our business. No hail cars or jobs are permitted during ANY of our PDR Courses except the Advanced 12 Day PDR Course and 28 Day PDR Course where you participate with the trainer working on projects such as repairing a customer's car. We also pay in some instances - yes we pay a small portion of the price whilst you train!
  • they live up to what they set out to do including highly advanced techniques - we don't guarantee that as that depends on the learner and the experience of the person - were you a panel beater
  • do they offer a certificate - we do
  • will they honour lifetime ongoing support - we were the first to adopt his concept and have been doing this for years and also taken on PDR technicians ourselves to back up our claims
  • ensure the tools are reputable brands - Dentcraft and Ultradent are good US brands and there are host of European brands

In our experience, those who shop around for the lowest prices - for tools, for courses or make their own tools often do not make it into the PDR industry. It's because their focus is saving money not using this industry to make money by getting into genuine training courses quickly. This was a claim made by two of our experienced PDR Trainers over the years. And I didn't believe it at first - but it holds true. Please call us today 0408020468