138 Hanckel Road Oakville,
NSW, 2765, Australia
24/7 Customer Support
138 Hanckel Road Oakville,
NSW, 2765, Australia
24/7 Customer Support
On the 28th October 2021, South Australia was pummelled by a devastating wave of hailstorms. It left in it's wake thousands of cars damaged with a damage bill into the billions. Consequently, it quickly became a natural catastrophe and a national insurance network of PDR companies set up in the most impacted areas.
It seems from reports that there is a massive shortage of PDR technicians, panel beaters and spray painters required in the area. If you are willing to travel for periods of time and would like to work in the region, please contact us as we are taking applicants and entering in our expanding database. Please note, because of the urgency of required workers, there is no requirement to have worked or trained with us prior - just apply now. We are offering generous salaries for successful applicants.
For all Vehicle Hailstorm Damage services, we are ready to proceed with quotations but require claim number and some information. Please click the following link
Anyone worried about choice of repairers contact us – Call us – 0408020468
We Provide 365 Day Support with all our PDR courses!
We welcome any applicant to simply try our certificate PDR courses – we can train anyone from bankers to mechanics, car detailers, spray painters and of course panel beaters!
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